Everyday Epic @ Newcastle Writers Festival

The excellent Newcastle Writers Festival is happening very soon! I’ve been lucky to head along for the last couple of years, they’re great. Some spectacular guests this year.

I’ll also be running my Everyday Epic poetry workshop for the full four hours.

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

I’m really looking forward to it, we’ll look at some great poetry…and knock over some writing. Everybody who attends should leave the workshop with a bunch of great ideas they can develop.

People familiar with my writing will know that I like to let the everyday and the epic rub up against each other. In this workshop we’ll be looking at how you might be able to do this in your own writing, why you might want to do it, and how seasoning the universality of epics with the particularities of everyday experience is great way to draw readers into your writing. Tickets are available here!

The Everyday Epic with Rico Craig

Our world is full of epic, otherworldly moments: clouds shifting, the hunt for new earrings, people changing car tyres. There are thousands of everyday experiences poets can use as inspiration for their writing. In this workshop we’ll sift through the seemingly mundane, searching for the moments we can expand to epic significance. We’ll bring our poetic vision to bear on the ordinary world and look at the way a few poetic tricks can be used to expand a reader’s perception of the worlds we share in our poetry.

You can expect conversations about poets like Kayo Chingonyi, Anne Carson and Kiki Petrosino, and some bonus chat about the importance of Roxy Music to a poet’s editing process…true!

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